What's new? 2/7/00 -sorry for the delay. January was a busy month. I added the perfect and imperfect tenses page, and I made some other pages that are blank now. I will add to them this week. Be patient. Keep checking. 1/31/00 - Blackboard.com just isn't my cup of tea. Sorry about the false alarm. I haven't been working on this too much because I don't feel it is used enough by the entire class. I apologize to those of you who use it because I think it is good, but I don't feel like I need to do a lot here for just a few of you. However, thanks for all your kind words and support. I need to put the 7th grade list of websites on a page, but I don't think I have them all just yet. The notes on the imperfect and perfect tenses are coming soon as well as info about the National Latin Exam. For the 6th grade, I am way behind. I have to put notes on forming questions, answering them, and notes to help us with the Aeneid on line as well. I guess I have my work cut out for me. Boy do I regret that. Oh, well. Check your class pages for updates. E-mail me if you need information about something else or if I forgot something that you need. 12/1/99 - I added all the new dates for the 2nd trimester. I have given the 7th grade assignments, and I am working on the 6th grade. If you are interested in Roman history (and who isn't?), I am going to add a page with links on Roman history. What I really need are some links to myths in general, but I already know all that. Besides, you will learn it all again in Mrs. Deffes' class in 8th grade. If you have a web page and want me to link to you, send me the address so I can start a list. Oh yeah, the website won't be moving to Sacred Heart's. All they wanted was to know if I wanted to link from their site. So I am going to. It is staying here for now. 11/17/99 - Just got back from the State Swim Meet! Go Cardinals! I added a couple of new Cool Links, and I added some pictures of me from the 8th grade trip. 11/10/99 - I added the picture of Mount Olympus. Not much to add right now. There will be some new stuff very soon. Links to Roman history, architecture, etc. 11/3/99 - The review sheet for the 6th grade exam is here, and I added the Function and Case page (finally) and the list of names from the Trojan War. Be sure to check your section page as well on the 6th grade page. The 7th grade rubrics and expectations (and a discussion of plagiarism) will be found here. 11/3/99 - There were 25 of you at the performance. Thank you so much for attending. You may not have understood everything that was happening, but it was free, and you received 2 95s for going. Also, I added a new page for the 6th grade exam review. Make sure that you check it out. 10/23/99 - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! On October 23 at Roussell Hall at Loyola at 8 P.M. there will be a presentation by a troupe of actors. It is called the Odyssey Book I. It is supposed to be awesome. It is free to students and teachers, but it will cost $1 for everyone else. I will give you two 95 test grades for going. 2. That is not a typo. I hope to see everyone there. 10/19/99 - I have been so busy that I really haven't had much of a chance to add a lot, but I did add a page of links for the life of Hercules. And, last tonight I added a page that really explained the dative case well, but I didn't do so well with the ablative. I will make a new one as we discuss it more in class. 10/19/99 - I added a page for Dative and Ablative. I also updated the 6th and 7th grade class pages. It should be accurate as of today. Notice that the exam is coming up soon. 9/30/99 - New additions to the 7th grade stuff. I added the future tense. And there is a new addition to the 6th grade. How to conjugate a verb in the present tense. 9/24/99 - Made some small adjustments and moved some things here and there to kinda reorganize everything. It is still a work in progress. 9/23/99 - A new 7th grade practice ending quiz has been made as well as some additional practice pages for 6th and 7th grades. I moved the site so it supports forms which will allow you to practice quizzes, tests, and translations. The first person to submit a practice form will receive extra credit. I would expect that you don't use your book or notes, as that isn't really practice. I hope to send you your results rather soon after you take it, but I am not promising anything. 9/22/99 - I added a page with a 6th grade vocab quiz, a page for the genitive, I tried to update the homework pages, and I added a page of Roman history links to the 7th grade page. Check it out for a special offer for extra credit. 9/20/99 - I added a 7th grade 1st declension endings page. It is kinda awkward right now, but I will fix it. You can submit it. I will try to check e-mail on the even hours, but I won't promise to. I am not home all the time. Make sure you include your e-mail address and your name so I know who did what. 6th grade form page coming soon. 9/19/99 - I added some cool stuff and I have moved the site to Tripod (they support forms so I can make some practice stuff for yall. However, they do use pop up windows for advertising, so you have to take the good with the bad.) The chat room I was going to use is not going to happen. It is too confusing and against the school rules (I didn't know that. Oops.). 9/14/99 - Actually, things have been a little hectic, but I have been adding stuff. This is just the first update here for a while. I have now added all the current 7th grade stuff, and I am going to try to make links to documents in Microsoft word that you can download, print, and use for practice (If you ever think of using this, thank a classmate for her comments. I am not saying who, but no one else said a word.) I am not sure about this just yet, but give me a chance. Also, I am going to add as much 6th grade stuff as I can tonight. 8/30/99 - Today, I added sections with the 7th grade notes on them, but they are divided up into small pieces so you can find just what you need. Also, there is a link now to the Art and the Trojan War page. So far, no one has visited or e-mailed me. I wonder why that is. Let me know what else I should add. I am not working this hard on this so that y'all don't even visit. I mean, at least let me know if you came by. 8/29/99 - I decided to add section pages for the 6th grade. Each section has their own page with assignments and the class dates. Hopefully this will help make things easier to deal with (and the dates that things are due). 7th grade is next. 8/28/99 - Added the whole page of Art History and the Trojan War. I actually think that I have more of that somewhere; I just have to find it. Also, a few minor changes were made in the other pages. Nothing to note here, though. Later, I will put up the new 6th and 7th grade notes, but I am pretty sick, so it may be tomorrow. Whatever. 8/26/99 - added some links to the cool stuff and homework assignments and some 6th grade notes. Keep me posted if you want something. Today, 8/25/99 , I added all pages. They have been redone. I have salvaged what I could from the old stuff and posted this. See what you think. (And I took the music off. That has to be good.) |