Roman Numerals These are the Roman numerals and their Arabic equivalents.
These do not represent numerals, like ours do, but they represent places. For example, X and L represent the 10s place and not the only 5 and 1. If that sounds confusing, check out the rules below. There are three rules. I. A smaller number before a bigger number should be subtracted from the bigger number. IX is 1 before a 10, so it is 9, get it? II. A bigger number before a smaller number means that you add them together. MD = 1000 + 500 or 1500. III. You can only put one number before a larger one and you can't have more than three roman numerals in a row. You can't have 8 be IIX (it has to be VIII) and 9 can't be VIIII (it has to be IX). IV. If a smaller number is between two larger numbers, subtract it from the second larger number. CIV is 100 + 1 before 5 or 104.) Print this page and try these out for practice.