Well, you are off to a good start. You have found the extra credit page. This information is only for extra credit on the test in December. Don't even try to use this another time. What do you need to do? Simple. Print this page, fill it in, and hadn it in just before you take the test. It's not really extra credit. It's like a review sheet. A really good review sheet. With the answers on it. And yall say I am mean. Ha! Ok, here you go. What does decline mean? _______________________________ _______________________________________________________ Decline the phrase agricola latus below.
Conjugate the verb habeo, habere = to have in the present and future tenses in the chart below and translate.
So far so good. Now, you just need a little practice translating. Translate this passage into good English. Lingua Romanorum Latina erat. Disciplina nos (us) non terret, quod magistrum bonum habemus. Magistri magnum numerum discipulorum docent. In patria nostra lingua Latina magnam fama habet. Finis. That's the Latin word for end. The end. |