Adjectives describe, modify, or limit nouns. In English, an adjective does not change even when the noun changes gender or case or number. e.g. The bad boy started a fight (bad modifies a masculine, singular, nominative noun); The teacher punished the bad girls (bad modifies a feminine, plural, accusative noun; In a bad rain, waters can rise quickly (bad modifies a neuter, singular, object of a preposition). Despite all these different uses, bad does not change at all. It remains bad. In Latin, the adjective has to change case, number, and gender to AGREE with the noun that it modifies. e.g. Puella parva aquam bonam amat. (The small girl loves good water.) In this sentence, parva modifies puella because they are both nominative, feminine, and singular, and bonam modifies aquam because both are feminine, accusative, and singular. |