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Assignment 1.    Study the information on Catullus, paying close attention names, dates, underlined words and phrases and names. There may be a quiz on this information.

Assignment 2.    In black ink, write out the Latin of the poem.  Look up each word in the glossary that you were given, and write the definition above the Latin word in blue ink.  This is called construing.  We will be doing this a lot.

Assignment 3.    Paying close attention to what you are doing, write a very accurate and literal translation of the Latin in pencil so that, if necessary, you are able to change it (i.e., translate the poem into good English).

Assignment 4.  This poem is what is known as an elegy - a poem to commemorate someone's death, usually written on someone's tomb.  Imagine that someone that you loved has died, and you are paying your last respects to them.  Write a ten to fifteen line poem in the style of Catullus 101.  Remember that Catullus poem expresses sadness and grief in an intellectual way.  DO NOT  repeatedly ask "why?" or "how could you leave me?" because that is not what Catullus did.  Try to be an objective third party to your feelings and describe what you are doing rather than what you are feeling.  Try to follow the outline of Catullus poem and remember to end with a final goodbye.